Rate Card available on request from tourismpro@hotmail.co.uk

Rates are subject to a 15% discount for members.

Promotional Opportunities


As a member of the Institute you get the opportunity to inform your fellow members about your expertise, your job vacancies and yourself:

Listing of Corporate Members, and Sponsors banners and link on the Website.


Package 1 includes

Job Advert placed on the jobs page

Link to your website from Job Advert


The Institute publishes annually this list of all current members, registered Consultants and their contact details. The Institute publishes annually this list of all current members, registered Consultants and their contact details.                                                                           

‘Tourism PAGES – the INSTITUTE’s journal. 

All Individual and Corporate Members and those on subscription list receive the Institute’s journal ‘Tourism Pages’ free of charge. Each journal contains: Articles, Publications, Research Papers, and Expert Commentary on Current issues, Special features on general topics, regular features on Nigeria Inbound, Outbound and Domestic tourism, Membership and Industry & Stakeholders, news and reports of Institute meetings. Contributions of papers from members, the academia, and captains of industry are gratefully welcome.

Does your team need the complementary skills of a tourism consultant? Perhaps you’re working on a project that needs expertise from a particular discipline. All our advertised consultants are professional members of The Institute for Tourism Professionals.

Are you a Tourism consultant?
Want to promote your tourism expertise? Our directory is your opportunity to connect with potential clients who need your service.

The Directory is available to the general public to search or to post a project, but only current members can advertise their services or pitch for projects. For more information please contact the Institute: tourismpro@hotmail.co.uk

All correspondence should be addressed to:
The Director of Membership, The Institute for Tourism Professionals
Nigeria: 14 Ubiaja Crescent, off Ladoke Akintola Boulevard, Garki II FCT – ABUJA Nigeria.
Web: www.tourism.org.ng

Email: tourismpro@hotmail.co.uk, admin@tourism.org.ng
Tel: +234(0) 811 959 9908


Email:- tourismpro@hotmail.co.uk


The Institute is always looking for Consultants, Professors, Assessors, Examiners, Current and Retired Directors, Managers and other Professionals to deliver our portfolio of services.

If you are interested in being part of a professional successful team, please send a brief profile, and a current CV to:- Registrar’s Department, Institute for Tourism Professionals, 14 Ubiaja Crescedn,
off Ladoke Akintola Boulevard, Garki II FCT – ABUJA Nigeria.
Web: www.tourism.org.ng

Email: tourismpro@hotmail.co.uk, admin@tourism.org.ng
Tel: +234(0) 811 959 9908


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