
National Occupational Standards (NOS) describe what an individual needs to do, know, and understand in order to carry out a particular job or function. National Occupational Standards (NOS) are the identified skills and competences needed by the industry and form the basis of National Vocational Qualifications (NSQs) and vocationally-related qualifications.

How can National Occupational Standards be used?

They can be used to:

  • Describe good practice in a particular area of work
  • Set out a statement of competence which bring together the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to do the work
  • Provide managers with a tool for a wide variety of workforce management and quality control
  • Offer a framework for training and development
  • Form the basis of National Vocational Qualifications (NSQs), and a number of other vocational qualifications.
  • Educators and trainers use standards to design training and educational programs.

How do National Occupational Standards help employers?

They help employers by:

  • Improving quality of goods and services
  • Increasing productivity
  • Reducing costs for recruitment by providing criteria for the selection of new employees
  • Providing a means for better human resources planning
  • Helping effective skills upgrading.
  • Acting as a benchmark for rewarding experience, knowledge and competence

How do National Occupational Standards help employees?

They help employees by:

  • Identifying the skills and knowledge needed for occupations
  • Providing a reference to assess ability and training needs
  • Identifying and supporting career paths
  • Providing guidelines for certification/accreditation.
  • Increasing mobility within industries